What is Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd.'s stock symbol?

Our stock is traded on the NYSE American under the symbol CANF.

Can I buy stock directly from Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd.?

No, You will need to contact a licensed stock broker or use an online trading account.

How can I buy stock in Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd.?

Through a licensed stock broker or by using an online trading account.

How do I change the address on my shareholder account?

Through your brokerage account or by contacting our transfer agent.

When was Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd. incorporated?

September 11, 1994

When did Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd. become a public company?

September 25, 2005

Where is Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd. located?

Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd.
10 Bareket Street, Kiryat Matalon
P.O. Box 7537
Petah-Tikva, 49170

When is Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd.'s fiscal year end?

December 31st

Who is Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd.'s transfer agent?

BNY Mellon
101 Barclay Street
22nd Floor
New York, NY 10286

Who are Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd.'s independent auditors?

Ernst & Young Global

Who is Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd.'s outside legal counsel?

Kantor & Co.

Who can I contact for general information about Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd.?

Corporate Profile®
Laurel Moody