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Company Overview
Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd. (NYSE American: CANF) (TASE: CFBI) is an advanced clinical stage drug development Company with a platform technology that is designed to address multi-billion dollar markets in the treatment of cancer, liver, and inflammatory disease. The Company's Piclidenoson drug candidate received a green light from both FDA and EMA to go for a pivotal Phase III trial for psoriasis. Can-Fite's oncology drug, Namodenoson, is currently enrolling patients for a pivotal Phase III study in advanced liver cancer. Namodenoson has been granted Orphan Drug Designation in the U.S. and Europe and Fast Track Designation as a second line treatment for HCC by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. A Phase IIa in pancreatic cancer will start patient enrollment shortly. Due to the liver protective effect of namodenoson, it is currently evaluated in a Phase IIb study for the treatment of MASH (Metabolic-associated hepathosteatosis)
CF602, the Company's third drug candidate, has shown efficacy in pre-clinical studies for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Piclidenoson and Namodenoson have an excellent safety profile with experience in close to 2000 patients in clinical studies to date. For more information please visit:
Investor Contact Information
Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd.
10 Bareket Street, Kiryat Matalon
P.O. Box 7537
Petah-Tikva 49170
Toll-Free: 800-716-4880
T: +972-3-9241114
F: +972-3-9249378
Investor Relations
T: +972-3-9241114
Transfer Agent
BNY Mellon
101 Barclay Street
22nd Floor
New York, NY 10286
T: 212-815-2892